The Memory Police offers a poetic yet poignant commentary on the effects of memory loss, both on individuals and society as a whole. As the citizens of the unnamed island gradually fall victim to the oppression enforced by the titular militia, acclaimed Japanese author Yoko Ogawa’s Orwellian novel interrogates the dangers of ideological conditioning and the existential threats it poses to humanity.
Sophocles' tragic play Oedipus The King dramatises the spectacular deterioration of its titular protagonist as he uncovers the devastating truth of his own identity. The drama opens in Thebes, where a catastrophic plague ravages the city.
Born in South Africa in 1984, Noah grew up under apartheid and witnessed the turbulent process of its downfall in 1990. Under apartheid legislation, Noah’s mother was classified as Black, while his father was classified as white, making Noah fall under the castigated classification of ‘coloured.’ Due to apartheid’s ban on interracial relationships, Noah’s birth and existence was defined as illegal, hence the title of the memoir.