VCE English Exams
Practice resources, exam tips and support all in one place. Stay on top of your exam preparation to stay ahead of the curve.
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2024 Exams Countdown ⏰
Practice exams
You know what they say - practice makes perfect! And there’s no better way to practice for your upcoming exams than by completing real exams from previous years! We’ve downloaded every past VCE English exam so you can easily find the ones you need, for free!
Exam tips
2024 VCE Exam Timetable
See when your exams are, and stay on top of your revision schedule.
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VCE Literature 2024: Developing Interpretations on Bram Stoker's Dracula & Sample Responses
This blog will break down the task, specifically how can develop A+ level interpretations of Bram Stoker’s epistolary classic, Dracula.
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VCE English 101
A Pocket Guide to Argument Analysis
Demonstrate that you can understand what an author is trying to get across, and how they have designed their writing to convince their audience
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Study Tips
Best Apps For Students To Boost Productivity
Are you struggling with schoolwork, and wondering how you can maximise the amount of work completed within a day? Thankfully, there is now an abundance of apps available to students that can help you increase your productivity.
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VCAA Examiner's Reports - Simple DO's and DON'T to Boost Your Marks
What if you could read the minds of your exam markers? Assessor’s reports are basically gold mines for improving exam performance. They go through common student mistakes, how to fix them, and what good (and bad) answers look like, which is especially important in a subject like VCE English, where marking is highly subjective.
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How to Prepare for the 2023 VCE English Exam
Getting ready for the VCE English exam in 2023 can seem overwhelming.
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