Access a carefully curated team of top VCE English tutors
You can't choose your teachers, but you can choose your tutors.
Curriculum-aligned, text-specific, and led by the top 1% of VCE English graduates, we deliver Melbourne’s most comprehensive English and Literature tutoring programs.
Supporting Victoria’s highest-scoring students year on year, ours is an academic engine powered by RAW-50 tutors, award winners, and published authors hand-picked for teaching style compatibility, area of expertise, and experience.
From personalised study guides to in-depth resource packages (30+ texts) and weekly classes (group and individual), our programs deliver exceptional results for students seeking exceptional results — maybe even lifelong mentors too.
Our leadership team
Founder, CEO & Principal Tutor
Lindsey Dang
Monash University
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and BA in English Literature
Hi there! I am the founder of Lindsey's VCE Tutoring (as the name suggests). A two-time top scorer in Literary Studies at Monash and Law graduate, I have been tutoring for over 6 years now and helped many past students score 45+ in English including multiple 50's. I lead our High Achiever's stream, which helped 100% of students score above 44 in 2024. IRL, I'm an English fanatic through and through, but ground my approach in logic and strategy to help my students optimise the limited time preparing for the exam. If you are looking to work with someone who has both the know-how's and in-depth knowledge about English Literature, passionate yet structured and result-oriented, you know where to find me! P/S, I cannot say no to students studying Feminist Gothic texts; I live and breath this genre.
Hi there, my name is Cynthia. I am the COO and Head of EAL at Lindsey's VCE Tutoring. I graduated at top ranks in several subjects in Year 12, achieving an EAL study score of 46. With over 2-year experience in tutoring EAL, I have helped students improve their SAC results from B to A and A+ (including a 47 raw study score). My key values in tutoring is a high commitment to delivering premium teaching quality to my students, focusing on fostering their personal growth to succeed in VCE and beyond.
Hi everyone! My name is Ella and I’m a Bachelor of Arts student at The University of Melbourne, majoring in Psychology and Art History. Since graduating high school I have loved tutoring VCE students of all abilities in a range of subjects. I have a passion for reading and hope to pass on my enthusiasm about English to my students. In my spare time you can find me painting or trying out a new creative skill. I’m excited to work with you and wish you all the best in your studies!
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History & Masters of Teaching Candidate
Hi everyone! My name is Giorgia and I’m a postgraduate student studying a Master of Teaching at The University of Melbourne. In 2023 I completed a B.A. (Honours) at Melbourne, receiving multiple awards including the Felix Raab Prize (best essay in early modern history) and R.G. Wilson Scholarship (highest achieving student in third year history). I've been tutoring for over four years, and I'm passionate about combining my experience in the humanities, research, and teaching to help students thrive in their English studies. In my downtime, I enjoy reading magical realist fiction and wandering around cool museums.