Access a carefully curated team of top VCE English tutors
You can't choose your teachers, but you can choose your tutors.
Curriculum-aligned, text-specific, and led by the top 1% of VCE English graduates, we deliver Melbourne’s most comprehensive English and Literature tutoring programs.
Supporting Victoria’s highest-scoring students year on year, ours is an academic engine powered by RAW-50 tutors, award winners, and published authors hand-picked for teaching style compatibility, area of expertise, and experience.
From personalised study guides to in-depth resource packages (30+ texts) and weekly classes (group and individual), our programs deliver exceptional results for students seeking exceptional results — maybe even lifelong mentors too.
Our leadership team
Founder, CEO & Principal Tutor
Lindsey Dang
Monash University
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and BA in English Literature
Hi there! I am the founder of Lindsey's VCE Tutoring (as the name suggests). A two-time top scoring Literary Studies graduate at Monash, I have been tutoring for over 6 years now and helped many past students score 45+ in English including multiple 50's. I lead our High Achiever's stream, which has helped 100% of students score above 45 in 2024. I absolutely love Literature, bonus points if you're doing any form of Feminist/Gothic texts. If you are looking to work with someone who has both the know-how's and in-depth knowledge about English Literature, artsy yet super structured and result-oriented, you know where to find me!
Hi there, my name is Cynthia. I am the COO and Head of EAL at Lindsey's VCE Tutoring. I graduated at top ranks in several subjects in Year 12, achieving an EAL study score of 46. With over 2-year experience in tutoring EAL, I have helped students improve their SAC results from B to A and A+ (including a 47 raw study score). My key values in tutoring is a high commitment to delivering premium teaching quality to my students, focusing on fostering their personal growth to succeed in VCE and beyond.
Hi everyone! My name is Ella and I’m a Bachelor of Arts student at The University of Melbourne, majoring in Psychology and Art History. Since graduating high school I have loved tutoring VCE students of all abilities in a range of subjects. I have a passion for reading and hope to pass on my enthusiasm about English to my students. In my spare time you can find me painting or trying out a new creative skill. I’m excited to work with you and wish you all the best in your studies!