Join our tutoring
company community

Want to join a growing team of talented individuals who share the same passion for transforming educational experiences? You’ve come to the right place.

Woman writing at a desk

Benefits of working with us:

We minimise the hassles so you can focus on inspiring next generations of creative academics.

Students staying at a table

Printed and digital resources created by our leadership team, and content from thousands of amassed experience.

Streamlined process to minimise admin work for tutors, competitive hourly rates way above industry standards, and a regular (strong) stream of clients!

YOU will love working with us

You will be backed by a robust support system, from full admin support, teaching resources, state-of-the-art digital systems, to receiving opportunities for personal development and mentorship by our founder.

"I have enjoyed my time at Lindsey's VCE Tutoring... having in the past tutored independently and with a different company, Lindsey's is by far the best experience I've had in all my years. She cares for her tutors, provides abundant resources, and has a very strong stream of clients. I think basically all her tutors (including myself) were at capacity. Vouch for Lindsey!"
a light yellow, beige and blue background
William Liu
Former Senior Tutor
"I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the team at Lindsey’s VCE Tutoring. Lindsey, the admin team, and the other tutors go above and beyond to provide support and make tutoring an enjoyable and rewarding experience. The office is in an easily accessible location in the CBD and the students assigned are always a pleasure to work with! If you’re passionate about English/tutoring definitely consider applying."
An image of one of the tutors on a blue background
Ella Waldman
Academic Director
"Highly recommend Lindsey's VCE Tutoring! They provide tons of support with detailed resources, a convenient office space and a helpful and friendly admin team. It's a great opportunity to work with wonderful students and grow your tutoring experience and skills."
An image of a male tutor, on a yellow background
William Bucknall
Senior Tutor