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Your request
STEP  1 OF 4

Great to hear that you're interested. We'd love to learn more about what you're looking for!

It takes less than 2 minutes to complete this form.
How can we contact you?
Please input your name.
Please input your email.
Please input your phone number.
Please input your school name.
press Enter ↵
STEP  2 OF 4

Which subjects are you seeking tutoring for?

Please choose at least one.


Please choose at least one.
STEP  3 OF 4

Great! Which year are you in?

If you're interested in tutoring for lower year levels, please contact us directly.
Please choose at least one.
press Enter ↵
STEP  4 OF 4

Which texts are you studying this year?

Please refer to your booklist and look for novels, poems, plays and films assigned by your school.

Please choose at least one.

Which Framework of Ideas has your school chosen for this year?

Please choose at least one.
press Enter ↵
STEP  3 OF 4

Which texts (films, novels, poetry, plays) are you currently doing at school?

Please input at least one.

Anything else you'd like us to know?

Please input your answer.
press Enter ↵

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Submit your information by clicking the button below!
Request Sent! Thank you for taking the time to fill this out.

You're ahead of the queue - we'll reach out as soon as possible.
In the meantime, please find the details of our current programs below.

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